McCain Detainee Amendment

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For more information, see the Wikipedia article "McCain Detainee Amendment"

This is a topic, with start date October 3, 2005 and end date October 5, 2005.

Its theme(s) are Terrorism, War.

Summary of positions for this topic

Full listing

Click on position names to view quotes from each listed item.

Amendment should not have been passed


Amendment should be passed


All items that address this topic (13 total)

Title Author Source Date
An empty amendment The Washington Times editorial board The Washington Times November 9, 2005
Say “No” to the McCain Amendment Andrew C. McCarthy National Review November 15, 2005
McCain anti-torture amendment is pure political grandstanding Rich Lowry The Salt Lake Tribune November 16, 2005
The Truth about Torture Charles Krauthammer The Weekly Standard December 5, 2005
The Abolition of Torture Andrew Sullivan The New Republic December 7, 2005
Torture for dummies Michael Kinsley Slate December 13, 2005
Tortuous Progress The Wall Street Journal editorial board The Wall Street Journal December 13, 2005
A Self-Inflicted Defeat The Wall Street Journal editorial board The Wall Street Journal December 13, 2005
McCain and Miranda Andrew C. McCarthy National Review December 15, 2005
The Get-Out-of-Torture-Free Card Emily Bazelon Slate December 15, 2005
Congress' Turn The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post July 9, 2006
Enact the President’s Code for Military Commissions Andrew C. McCarthy National Review September 13, 2006
How should this country treat its terror suspects? Mark Davis The Dallas Morning News September 20, 2006