Page values for "Obama has worked for all Americans"

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"_pageData" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
_creationDateDatetimeOctober 30, 2012 10:09:12 PM
_modificationDateDatetimeOctober 30, 2012 10:09:12 PM
_creatorStringYaron Koren
_fullTextSearchtext{{Item |author=Jesse Jackson, |source=Chicago Sun-Times |date=October 30, 2012 |url= |quote=Obama’s recovery program stopped the free-fall. He ended the war in Iraq. He saved the auto industry. He saved billi ...
_categoriesList of String, delimiter: |Items
_pageNameOrRedirectStringObama has worked for all Americans
_lastEditorStringYaron Koren
_pageNamePageObama has worked for all Americans

Obama has worked for all Americans


"Opinions" values

2 rows are stored for this page
FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue
TopicPageUnited States presidential election, 2012
Position_fragmentStringObama should be elected
PositionPageUnited States presidential election, 2012 / Obama should be elected

Obama should be elected

StanceStringfor · mixed · againstfor
FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue
TopicPageUnited States presidential election, 2012
Position_fragmentStringRomney should be elected
PositionPageUnited States presidential election, 2012 / Romney should be elected

Romney should be elected

StanceStringfor · mixed · againstagainst

"Items" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
AuthorList of Page, delimiter: ,Jesse Jackson
SourcePageChicago Sun-Times
DateDateOctober 30, 2012
QuoteTextObama’s recovery program stopped the free-fall. He ended the war in Iraq. He saved the auto industry. He saved billions in bank ripoffs in the student loan program and put the money into Pell Grants for deserving students. In the midst of a national crisis, he faced unprecedented and unrelenting Republican obstruction. And despite this, America has done better on his watch than any other industrial country in coming out of the calamity.

Obama has worked for all Americans by Jesse Jackson (Chicago Sun-Times, October 30, 2012) (view)