Page values for "The Myth of Free-Market Health Care in America"

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"_pageData" values

1 row is stored for this page
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_creationDateDatetimeJuly 30, 2009 10:54:21 PM
_modificationDateDatetimeMarch 11, 2010 2:44:14 PM
_creatorStringYaron Koren
_fullTextSearchtext{{Item |author=Shikha Dalmia |source=Reason |date=July 30, 2009 |url= |quote="The point is that there is no health care model, whether privately or publicly financed, that can offer unlimited access to medical services while containing costs. Ultimatel ...
_categoriesList of String, delimiter: |Items
_pageNameOrRedirectStringThe Myth of Free-Market Health Care in America
_lastEditorStringYaron Koren
_pageNamePageThe Myth of Free-Market Health Care in America

The Myth of Free-Market Health Care in America


"Opinions" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue
TopicPagePatient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Position_fragmentStringAct should be passed
PositionPagePatient Protection and Affordable Care Act / Act should be passed

Act should be passed

StanceStringfor · mixed · againstagainst

"Items" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
AuthorList of Page, delimiter: ,Shikha Dalmia
DateDateJuly 30, 2009
QuoteText"The point is that there is no health care model, whether privately or publicly financed, that can offer unlimited access to medical services while containing costs. Ultimately, such a model arrives at a cross roads where it has to either limit access in an arbitrary way, or face uncontrolled cost increases. France and Germany, which are mostly publicly funded, are increasingly marching down the first road. America, which is half publicly and half privately funded, has so far taken the second path. Should America offer even more people such unlimited access through universal coverage, it too will end up rationing care or facing national bankruptcy."

The Myth of Free-Market Health Care in America by Shikha Dalmia (Reason, July 30, 2009) (view)