The Wall Street Journal editorial board
This is the editorial board of The Wall Street Journal.
Political affiliation: Conservative
Items by this editorial board:
- 'A Vietnam Moment'
- 'See No Progress' (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- A 40-Year Wish List (Topic: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- A Bush Retreat? (Topic: Nomination of Robert Gates as U.S. Secretary of Defense, Position: Gates was a good choice, Stance: mixed)
- A Heavier Iraq 'Footprint' (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: United States should increase troop levels, Stance: for)
- A Large New Tax on Small Business (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- A Main Street Rescue (Topic: Economic crisis of 2008, Position: United States should bail out the banking industry, Stance: for)
- A Reckless Congress (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- A Self-Inflicted Defeat (Topic: McCain Detainee Amendment, Position: Amendment should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Abortion Goes Back to the People (Topic: Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: for)
- Al Qaeda on the Run (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- America's Other Auto Industry (Topic: Economic crisis of 2008, Position: United States should bail out the automobile industry, Stance: against)
- An American in Spirit (Topic: Media of the People's Republic of China, Position: China should stop imprisoning journalists, Stance: for)
- An Antiterror Victory (Topic: Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: against)
- An Antiterror Victory (Topic: Military Commissions Act of 2006, Position: Compromise bill should be passed, Stance: for)
- Biden’s Afghanistan Surrender (Topic: Withdrawal of United States troops from Afghanistan (2020–2021), Position: Withdrawal was justified, Stance: against)
- Biden’s Afghanistan Surrender (Topic: Withdrawal of United States troops from Afghanistan (2020–2021), Position: Withdrawal was poorly executed, Stance: for)
- Bolton Departs (Topic: Confirmation of John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 2006, Position: Bolton should have been confirmed, Stance: for)
- Change Nobody Believes In (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- Change You Can't Believe In (Topic: 2007 U.S. Farm Bill, Position: Bill should be passed, Stance: against)
- Charter School Nonsense (Topic: New York State cap on charter schools, Position: Should be lifted, Stance: for)
- China Jails a Friend (Topic: Media of the People's Republic of China, Position: China should stop imprisoning journalists, Stance: for)
- Darfur and Diplomacy (Topic: Darfur conflict, Position: United Nations should send peacekeepers, Stance: against)
- Democrats and Trade (Topic: Peru-United States Free Trade Agreement, Position: Agreement should be ratified, Stance: for)
- Employer Mandate? Never Mind (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Free Trade and Security (Topic: Peru-United States Free Trade Agreement, Position: Agreement should be ratified, Stance: for)
- Geneva Contention (Topic: Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: against)
- Geneva Contention (Topic: Military Commissions Act of 2006, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: for)
- Geneva Contention (Topic: Military Commissions Act of 2006, Position: Competing Graham-McCain-Warner bill should be passed, Stance: against)
- Gettelfinger Motors (Topic: Chrysler bankruptcy, Position: U.S. government restructuring of Chrysler was correct, Stance: against)
- Green Acres (Topic: 2007 U.S. Farm Bill, Position: Bill should be passed, Stance: against)
- Hope and Exchange (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Iran Irresolution (Topic: Iranian nuclear crisis, Position: Economic sanctions should be imposed on Iran, Stance: for)
- Israel on the Iran Brink (Topic: Iranian nuclear crisis, Position: United States should negotiate with Iran, Stance: against)
- Israel's Gaza Choices (Topic: Gaza flotilla raid, Position: Israel was justified in its actions, Stance: for)
- Israel's Gaza Defense (Topic: Gaza War, Position: Israel was right to attack Gaza, Stance: for)
- Israel's Gaza Surge (Topic: Gaza War, Position: Israel was right to attack Gaza, Stance: for)
- It's Up to the Voters Now (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Justice for a Tyrant (Topic: Trial of Saddam Hussein, Position: Trial was fair, Stance: for)
- Labor's $60 Billion Payoff (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- Labor's European Model (Topic: Employee Free Choice Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- Liberty and ObamaCare (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act is unconstitutional, Stance: for)
- Looking Forward in Iraq (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- March Madness (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- McCain-Feingold in the Dock (Topic: Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, Position: Act should be repealed, Stance: for)
- McCain-Feingold Online (Topic: Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, Position: Act should be repealed, Stance: for)
- Minimum Wage, Jobless Kids (Topic: Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Mr. Diplomacy (Topic: Confirmation of John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 2006, Position: Bolton should be confirmed, Stance: for)
- North Korea's Nukes (Topic: North Korean nuclear crisis, Position: China should pressure North Korea to give up its nuclear ambitions, Stance: for)
- North Korea's Nukes (Topic: North Korean nuclear crisis, Position: Economic sanctions should be placed on North Korea, Stance: for)
- North Korea's Nukes (Topic: North Korean nuclear crisis, Position: United States should negotiate with North Korea, Stance: against)
- Obama Repeals ObamaCare (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Obama Rewrites ObamaCare (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare at Any Cost (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- ObamaCare Bait and Switch (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare Day One (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare Goes to Court (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare Loses in Court (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare Mulligan (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare's 'Liar' Subsidies (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare's Plans Are Worse (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare, for Some (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare’s Failing Cost Control (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Part-Time America (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Partial Reversal (Topic: Gonzales v. Carhart, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: for)
- Pelosi's Bad Faith (Topic: Colombia-United States Free Trade Agreement, Position: Agreement should be ratified, Stance: for)
- Pelosi's Wiretap Offensive (Topic: Protect America Act of 2007, Position: Act should be renewed, Stance: for)
- President Kennedy (Topic: Boumediene v. Bush, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: against)
- President Taylor (Topic: NSA warrantless surveillance controversy, Position: Judge Taylor was right to rule program unconstitutional, Stance: against)
- Protectionist Party? (Topic: Colombia-United States Free Trade Agreement, Position: Agreement should be ratified, Stance: for)
- Protectionist Party? (Topic: Peru-United States Free Trade Agreement, Position: Agreement should be ratified, Stance: for)
- Puerto Rico’s Debt Portent (Topic: Puerto Rican government-debt crisis, Position: Puerto Rico should be allowed to declare bankruptcy, Stance: for)
- Puerto Rico’s Debt Portent (Topic: Puerto Rican government-debt crisis, Position: Puerto Rico should be managed by a financial control board, Stance: for)
- Puerto Rico’s Pension Bailout (Topic: Puerto Rican government-debt crisis, Position: Puerto Rico should be allowed to declare bankruptcy, Stance: against)
- Race and the Roberts Court (Topic: Parents v. Seattle, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: for)
- Realism and Iran (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: United States should negotiate with Iran, Stance: against)
- Rendering Unto Syria (Topic: Military Commissions Act of 2006, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: for)
- Republican Retreat (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- Rewriting the First Amendment (Topic: Democracy For All Amendment, Position: Amendment should be ratified, Stance: against)
- Saving Puerto Rico From Itself (Topic: Puerto Rican government-debt crisis, Position: Puerto Rico should be allowed to declare bankruptcy, Stance: for)
- Saving Puerto Rico From Itself (Topic: Puerto Rican government-debt crisis, Position: Puerto Rico should be managed by a financial control board, Stance: for)
- Schip for Everyone (Topic: State Children's Health Insurance Program, Position: Program should be expanded, Stance: against)
- Show Me ObamaCare (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Silver Bullet (Topic: District of Columbia v. Heller, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: for)
- Sox and Stocks (Topic: Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Position: Act should be reformed, Stance: for)
- Squeezing Iran (Topic: Iranian nuclear crisis, Position: Economic sanctions should be imposed on Iran, Stance: for)
- Suing Arizona (Topic: United States of America v. Arizona, Position: Lawsuit was justified, Stance: mixed)
- Syria Side Effects (Topic: Syrian civil war, Position: United States should intervene, Stance: for)
- The $1.9 Trillion Gimmick (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- The 'Benchmark' Excuse (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- The 'Profiling' Debate (Topic: 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot, Position: United States should impose racial profiling at airports, Stance: for)
- The Ayatollah's Answer (Topic: Iranian nuclear crisis, Position: Economic sanctions should be imposed on Iran, Stance: for)
- The Ayatollah's Answer (Topic: Iranian nuclear crisis, Position: United States should negotiate with Iran, Stance: against)
- The Bailout Tax (Topic: Restoring American Financial Stability Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- The Cap and Tax Fiction (Topic: American Clean Energy and Security Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- The Chávez Democrats (Topic: Colombia-United States Free Trade Agreement, Position: Agreement should be ratified, Stance: for)
- The Cost-Control Illusion (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- The Death of Cap and Tax (Topic: American Clean Energy and Security Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- The Enemy Detainee Mess (Topic: Boumediene v. Bush, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: against)
- The Entitlement Stimulus (Topic: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)