U.N. vote for Palestine hurts peace

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This is an opinion item.

Author(s) Steve Huntley
Source Chicago Sun-Times
Date September 5, 2011
URL http://www.suntimes.com/news/huntley/7405728-417/un-vote-for-palestine-hurts-peace.html
In 2005, the Israelis uprooted settlements and pulled out of the Gaza Strip. Did the Palestinians take advantage of this as an opportunity to build a society lifting the economic lives of Gaza residents? Was Israel rewarded with a peaceful neighbor? Again, the answer was no and ultimately another short war. As recently as 10 days ago, President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian Authority would not recognize Israel as a Jewish state — saying no to a two-state solution.

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This item argues against the position United Nations should vote to recognize a Palestinian state on the topic 2011 United Nations recognition vote of Palestinian state.