Position: United Nations should send peacekeepers
This position addresses the topic Darfur conflict.
For this position
"All should be bending Mr Al-Bashir's ear to encourage him to let the new peacekeepers in. But it is China that could do most to persuade its friend to accept UN assistance and end the killing in Darfur. To soothe his concerns about being bullied by his enemies, China, which has a large army and has sent troops to UN observer missions, could offer peacekeepers of its own."
"If China really is sincere about its desire to see peacekeepers in Darfur, it should tell its allies in Sudan's government to call off their military offensive and accept U.N. peacekeepers immediately."
"Soon after the resolution was passed, Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir reiterated that he was unwilling to accept peacekeepers. The global community must apply real pressure to make him change his mind."
"Nothing, however, has garnered as much attention within the activist community as the latest scheme to deploy a U.N. security force in Darfur. This plan, which has been promoted by nearly every activist organization working on this issue, has an almost unimaginable fatal flaw: Without permission from the perpetrators of the atrocities, the peacekeepers will be staying home."
"The Bush administration should point out to China, a major customer of Sudanese oil, and Russia, the primary supplier of arms to Sudan, that they can show their commitment to human life above economic interests by pressuring Sudan to accept UN peacekeepers."
"This would seem to make a mockery of the "never again" rhetoric that followed the Holocaust and the second world war. The "international community" doesn't seem to mind genocide all that much, really, as long as it's not either aimed at a favoured group, or practised by a disfavoured group."
"This week the United Nations must insist that Sudan accept the UN force, or we must accept that the UN can offer no protection from genocide. There are plenty of countries, such as Germany, Spain, India, Turkey and Sweden, who are not militarily over-committed and who could take the leading role in saving the Darfurians from their own Government. A long commitment of forces is better than sharing historic guilt."
"The deployment is required by a Security Council resolution passed last month. It is supported by nearly all the leading powers and even by factions within Sudan's government. But China has so far refused to tell Sudan's isolated leaders to drop their opposition to a U.N. contingent, even though its extensive investments in Sudan give it the power to do so"
"Throughout the world, people of conscience were shocked by and ashamed of our failure to stop the genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda. We must not repeat these mistakes. In Darfur, the moment of truth is now."
"We urgently need U.N. peacekeepers, even over Sudan’s objections. (If Sudan sees them coming, it will hurriedly consent.) The U.S. should also impose a no-fly zone from Chad and work with France to keep Chad and the Central African Republic from collapsing into this maelstrom."
"Gee, maybe Sudan's dictator, Gen. Bashir, will invite Jacob to testify as to what he saw as his 4-year-old brother was murdered by the Janjaweed before he ever went to school. And the world's civilized nations, including ours, refuse to combine forces to go into those killing fields lest they disrespect the august murderous sovereignty of Gen. Bashir."
"At least 200,000 of Darfur’s people have already been killed and more than 2.5 million have been driven from their homes. More diplomatic dawdling, without strengthened international economic and military pressure, would condemn the survivors to the same fate."
"But at the United Nations, a minuet of resolutions are proposed and obstructed and proposed again. If the United Nations cannot end this horrifying mass suffering, what is its reason for being?"
"Diplomacy and mild sanctions have failed. Continued pressure is needed on the U.N., where "no" should be the correct response to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's appeal for more time to sway Sudan. U.N. peacekeeping troops must be allowed to stabilize Darfur. Assaults on humanitarian and aid workers must stop. These things are nonnegotiable and immediate demands."
"But the failure of European or Arab governments to supply helicopters is a disgrace. Over and over, leaders such as Britain's Gordon Brown, France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel have said the situation in Darfur is "intolerable." Yet, although NATO countries among them have 18,000 helicopters, none have been made available for Darfur. No wonder Mr. Bashir feels free to thumb his nose at the United Nations."
"Mr. Bashir has a record of making only the most limited concessions and then violating agreements with impunity. And Mr. Ban has an unfortunate habit of taking Mr. Bashir at his word. The immediate application of tougher American sanctions would have usefully strengthened Mr. Ban’s hand."
"A month is not long to wait for diplomacy to work — but Darfurians cannot long survive further delays. When the time comes, the Bush administration should be prepared with more than the stiffer economic sanctions it threatened nearly four months ago. If Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir continues to stonewall, the U.S. should immediately bring a U.N. Security Council resolution against Sudan to a vote."
Against this position
"They ask, what would I do about the janjaweed, and what about the 1.9 million refugees? My answer to the first is identical in substance to theirs: nothing really. They just get the T-shirt. The janjaweed are not in my country, not my business and, most important, not a problem within my power to solve."
"In spite of efforts to describe the killing in Darfur as genocide, neither the UN nor the EU went along with this description. It was not because of moral myopia, but because they understood the difference between a brutal civil war and a deliberate policy of ethnic cleansing. Darfur is not Rwanda."
"We agree that a no-fly zone would be a difficult and expensive undertaking to enforce. Far better would be to destroy Khartoum's air force on the ground at a single go the next time evidence emerges that Mr. Bashir is using it against Darfur."
Mixed on this position
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