Flushing net neutrality: A GOP scam that rips off consumers

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Author(s) The Star-Ledger editorial board
Source The Star-Ledger
Date November 26, 2017
URL http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2017/11/flushing_net_neutrality_a_gop_scam_that_rips_off_c.html
If Pai has his way, ISPs will be reclassified as information services instead of highly-regulated utilities, such as telephone or electric. In practice, they'll charge higher fees for faster delivery of content from websites such as Netflix - because video requires more bandwidth - and that cost will be passed along to the customer. Or ISPs can choose winners and losers on a whim: Verizon, for example, would favor Yahoo (which it owns) over Google, and subject Google to a toll hike to drive in the fast lane.

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This item argues against the position Net neutrality should be repealed on the topic Net neutrality in the United States.