Military Commissions Act of 2006
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- For more information, see the Wikipedia article "Military Commissions Act of 2006"
This is a topic, with start date September 6, 2006 and end date October 17, 2006.
Its theme(s) are Terrorism, United States domestic politics, War.
Summary of positions for this topic
- Act should be passed (49 items)
- Competing Graham-McCain-Warner bill should be passed (22 items)
- Compromise bill should be passed (33 items)
- Act should be overturned (11 items)
Full listing
Click on position names to view quotes from each listed item.
No stated opinion
National security vs. our national soul by Cathy Young (The Boston Globe, September 25, 2006) (view)
Act should be overturned
Move Along, Lady Liberty, This Doesn't Concern You by Rachel Haimowitz (The Huffington Post, April 17, 2007) (view)
American Liberty at the Precipice by The New York Times editorial board (The New York Times, February 22, 2007) (view)
A Dangerous New Order by The New York Times editorial board (The New York Times, October 19, 2006) (view)
Congress to Courts: 'Get Out of the War on Terror' by John Yoo (The Wall Street Journal, October 19, 2006) (view)
Compromise bill should be passed
Look Past The Tortured Distortions by John Warner, John McCain, Lindsey Graham (The Wall Street Journal, October 2, 2006) (view)
At Gitmo, detainees get La-Z-Boys, pastries by Mark Steyn (Chicago Sun-Times, October 1, 2006) (view)
Treat detainees humanely, but not like citizens of U.S. by Jonathan Gurwitz (San Antonio Express-News, September 30, 2006) (view)
Bush, McCain and 'torture' by Robert J. Caldwell (The San Diego Union-Tribune, September 24, 2006) (view)
An Antiterror Victory by The Wall Street Journal editorial board (The Wall Street Journal, September 23, 2006) (view)
Congress' shameful retreat from American values by Garrison Keillor (Chicago Tribune, October 4, 2006) (view)
Congress to Bush: Here are the Tools to Dictatorship, Go and Enjoy by Christopher Durang (The Huffington Post, October 3, 2006) (view)
Profiles in Cowardice by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, October 1, 2006) (view)
Don't flout Geneva – or the tables could easily be turned by Niall Ferguson (The Daily Telegraph, October 1, 2006) (view)
The Constitution has its Darkest Day While Harry Reid Sucks an Egg by Howard A. Rodman (The Huffington Post, September 28, 2006) (view)
Don't Suspend Habeas Corpus by Los Angeles Times editorial board (Los Angeles Times, September 28, 2006) (view)
Rush to Error by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, September 27, 2006) (view)
A Case for Appeal by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, September 26, 2006) (view)
A tortured policy by San Francisco Chronicle editorial board (San Francisco Chronicle, September 24, 2006) (view)
The Abuse Can Continue by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, September 22, 2006) (view)
Act should be passed
Rendering Unto Syria by The Wall Street Journal editorial board (The Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2006) (view)
How should this country treat its terror suspects? by Mark Davis (The Dallas Morning News, September 20, 2006) (view)
'Whatever it takes': Protecting America is a dirty job by New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board (New Hampshire Union Leader, September 19, 2006) (view)
Warm and fuzzy talk is a weak defense against terrorists by Cal Thomas (The Salt Lake Tribune, September 19, 2006) (view)
Geneva Contention by The Wall Street Journal editorial board (The Wall Street Journal, September 18, 2006) (view)
Playing nice: A luxury we can't afford by New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board (New Hampshire Union Leader, September 17, 2006) (view)
A skewed view of detainee rights by The Washington Times editorial board (The Washington Times, September 15, 2006) (view)
Tortured Logic by Investor's Business Daily editorial board (Investor's Business Daily, September 14, 2006) (view)
Enact the President’s Code for Military Commissions by Andrew C. McCarthy (National Review, September 13, 2006) (view)
Judgment at Guantanamo by David B. Rivkin Jr., Lee A. Casey (The Wall Street Journal, September 9, 2006) (view)
Wonder Why It's Been A Quiet Five Years On The Home Front? by Ed Morrissey (Captain's Quarters, September 6, 2006) (view)
Rules for the Real World by The New York Times editorial board (The New York Times, September 20, 2006) (view)
Tortured by Mistake by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, September 20, 2006) (view)
McCain knows firsthand need to limit torture rules by DeWayne Wickham (USA Today, September 20, 2006) (view)
How Bush Rules: The Torturer-in-Chief by Sidney Blumenthal (The Huffington Post, September 18, 2006) (view)
Listen to McCain and Powell by Chicago Tribune editorial board (Chicago Tribune, September 17, 2006) (view)
A License to Abuse by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, September 17, 2006) (view)
No Rubber Stamp for Bush by Los Angeles Times editorial board (Los Angeles Times, September 17, 2006) (view)
GOP Stand Against Torture by Bangor Daily News editorial board (Bangor Daily News, September 16, 2006) (view)
Stampeding Congress by The New York Times editorial board (The New York Times, September 15, 2006) (view)
Competing Graham-McCain-Warner bill should be passed
GOP Stand Against Torture by Bangor Daily News editorial board (Bangor Daily News, September 16, 2006) (view)
A Defining Moment for America by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, September 15, 2006) (view)
A Crucial Choice by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, September 14, 2006) (view)
A Solution for Trials by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, September 9, 2006) (view)
Vengeance V. Victory by St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 8, 2006) (view)
Hold Bush to the Law in Terror-Suspect Cases by The Seattle Times editorial board (The Seattle Times, September 8, 2006) (view)
Rules for the Real World by The New York Times editorial board (The New York Times, September 20, 2006) (view)
How should this country treat its terror suspects? by Mark Davis (The Dallas Morning News, September 20, 2006) (view)
'Whatever it takes': Protecting America is a dirty job by New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board (New Hampshire Union Leader, September 19, 2006) (view)
Geneva Contention by The Wall Street Journal editorial board (The Wall Street Journal, September 18, 2006) (view)
Playing nice: A luxury we can't afford by New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board (New Hampshire Union Leader, September 17, 2006) (view)
A skewed view of detainee rights by The Washington Times editorial board (The Washington Times, September 15, 2006) (view)
Stampeding Congress by The New York Times editorial board (The New York Times, September 15, 2006) (view)
All items that address this topic (96 total)