Military Commissions Act of 2006

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For more information, see the Wikipedia article "Military Commissions Act of 2006"

This is a topic, with start date September 6, 2006 and end date October 17, 2006.

Its theme(s) are Terrorism, United States domestic politics, War.

Summary of positions for this topic

Full listing

Click on position names to view quotes from each listed item.

No stated opinion

Act should be overturned


Compromise bill should be passed


Act should be passed

Clarifying Torture by Ronald Bailey (Reason, September 18, 2006) (view)

Competing Graham-McCain-Warner bill should be passed



All items that address this topic (96 total)

Title Author Source Date
Changes could harm American prisoners Reading Eagle editorial board Reading Eagle 8月 26, 2006
Wonder Why It's Been A Quiet Five Years On The Home Front? Ed Morrissey Captain's Quarters 9月 6, 2006
Ending the Lawlessness The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 7, 2006
A Sudden Sense of Urgency The New York Times editorial board The New York Times 9月 7, 2006
Vengeance V. Victory St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board St. Louis Post-Dispatch 9月 8, 2006
Hold Bush to the Law in Terror-Suspect Cases The Seattle Times editorial board The Seattle Times 9月 8, 2006
Terrorist suspects should be tried, but Bush plan brings objections Kansas City Star editorial board Kansas City Star 9月 8, 2006
A Solution for Trials The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 9, 2006
Judgment at Guantanamo David B. Rivkin Jr. Lee A. Casey The Wall Street Journal 9月 9, 2006
The Fifth Anniversary The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 10, 2006
Keep War Crimes Criminal Wigwam Daily Kos 9月 11, 2006
Seeking justice Nat Hentoff The Washington Times 9月 11, 2006
Enact the President’s Code for Military Commissions Andrew C. McCarthy National Review 9月 13, 2006
A Crucial Choice The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 14, 2006
Tortured Logic Investor's Business Daily editorial board Investor's Business Daily 9月 14, 2006
A skewed view of detainee rights The Washington Times editorial board The Washington Times 9月 15, 2006
Stampeding Congress The New York Times editorial board The New York Times 9月 15, 2006
A Defining Moment for America The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 15, 2006
For McCain, It's Personal James Taranto Best of the Web Today 9月 15, 2006
Lawless 'Compromises' The Nation editorial board The Nation 9月 15, 2006
They Liked It When It Was McCain's Idea John Hinderaker Power Line 9月 16, 2006
GOP Stand Against Torture Bangor Daily News editorial board Bangor Daily News 9月 16, 2006
Questions for the Interrogators Fareed Zakaria Newsweek 9月 17, 2006
Listen to McCain and Powell Chicago Tribune editorial board Chicago Tribune 9月 17, 2006
A License to Abuse The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 17, 2006
Playing nice: A luxury we can't afford New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board New Hampshire Union Leader 9月 17, 2006
No Rubber Stamp for Bush Los Angeles Times editorial board Los Angeles Times 9月 17, 2006
The Trap William Kristol The Weekly Standard 9月 18, 2006
Geneva Contention The Wall Street Journal editorial board The Wall Street Journal 9月 18, 2006
Tortured Debate National Review editorial board National Review 9月 18, 2006
How Bush Rules: The Torturer-in-Chief Sidney Blumenthal The Huffington Post 9月 18, 2006
Judge, jury, and torturer James Carroll The Boston Globe 9月 18, 2006
The Kafka Strategy Bob Herbert The New York Times 9月 18, 2006
King of Pain Paul Krugman The New York Times 9月 18, 2006
Clarifying Torture Ronald Bailey Reason 9月 18, 2006
'Whatever it takes': Protecting America is a dirty job New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board New Hampshire Union Leader 9月 19, 2006
McCain's Dubious High Ground Rich Lowry National Review 9月 19, 2006
Fighting for our honor H.D.S. Greenway The Boston Globe 9月 19, 2006
Warm and fuzzy talk is a weak defense against terrorists Cal Thomas The Salt Lake Tribune 9月 19, 2006
Torture is Torture Eugene Robinson The Washington Post 9月 19, 2006
Rules for the Real World The New York Times editorial board The New York Times 9月 20, 2006
Into a Moral Desert Harold Meyerson The Washington Post 9月 20, 2006
How should this country treat its terror suspects? Mark Davis The Dallas Morning News 9月 20, 2006
Tortured by Mistake The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 20, 2006
McCain knows firsthand need to limit torture rules DeWayne Wickham USA Today 9月 20, 2006
The Torture of Liberty Bob Herbert The New York Times 9月 21, 2006
Rendering Unto Syria The Wall Street Journal editorial board The Wall Street Journal 9月 21, 2006
Suicidal hand-wringing Thomas Sowell The Washington Times 9月 21, 2006
Being Nice Will Get Us Killed Deroy Murdock National Review 9月 21, 2006
Compromised The New Republic editorial board The New Republic 9月 21, 2006
The Abuse Can Continue The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 22, 2006
A Bad Bargain The New York Times editorial board The New York Times 9月 22, 2006
An Antiterror Victory The Wall Street Journal editorial board The Wall Street Journal 9月 23, 2006
We've sunk to bin Laden's level Joseph L. Galloway The Miami Herald 9月 23, 2006
A tortured policy San Francisco Chronicle editorial board San Francisco Chronicle 9月 24, 2006
Bush, McCain and 'torture' Robert J. Caldwell The San Diego Union-Tribune 9月 24, 2006
Torture by any other name is just as vile Andrew Sullivan The Times 9月 24, 2006
Do Unto Your Enemy... Paul Rieckhoff The New York Times 9月 25, 2006
National security vs. our national soul Cathy Young The Boston Globe 9月 25, 2006
Tortured Reasoning Jonathan Rauch Reason 9月 25, 2006
A government of laws Nat Hentoff The Washington Times 9月 25, 2006
A Case for Appeal The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 26, 2006
Torture is always wrong Paul Campos Rocky Mountain News 9月 26, 2006
Legalizing Tyranny Andrew Sullivan The Daily Dish 9月 26, 2006
Rush to Error The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 9月 27, 2006
Rushing Off a Cliff The New York Times editorial board The New York Times 9月 27, 2006
Terrorist Rogues' Gallery Deroy Murdock National Review 9月 27, 2006
The Constitution has its Darkest Day While Harry Reid Sucks an Egg Howard A. Rodman The Huffington Post 9月 28, 2006
Don't Suspend Habeas Corpus Los Angeles Times editorial board Los Angeles Times 9月 28, 2006
The White House Warden Bruce Ackerman Los Angeles Times 9月 28, 2006
Junking Checks and Balances? Aziz Huq The Huffington Post 9月 28, 2006
Without Further Delay Bill Frist National Review 9月 29, 2006
So Long, It's Been Good to Know Ya Ellis Weiner The Huffington Post 9月 29, 2006
Treat detainees humanely, but not like citizens of U.S. Jonathan Gurwitz San Antonio Express-News 9月 30, 2006
Profiles in Cowardice The Washington Post editorial board The Washington Post 10月 1, 2006
At Gitmo, detainees get La-Z-Boys, pastries Mark Steyn Chicago Sun-Times 10月 1, 2006
What My Father Saw at Nuremberg Christopher Dodd Los Angeles Times 10月 1, 2006
Don't flout Geneva – or the tables could easily be turned Niall Ferguson The Daily Telegraph 10月 1, 2006
Look Past The Tortured Distortions John Warner John McCain Lindsey Graham The Wall Street Journal 10月 2, 2006
Bye, Bye Bill of Rights David Wallechinsky The Huffington Post 10月 2, 2006
Congress to Bush: Here are the Tools to Dictatorship, Go and Enjoy Christopher Durang The Huffington Post 10月 3, 2006
Congress' shameful retreat from American values Garrison Keillor Chicago Tribune 10月 4, 2006
The Best for the Worst Jacob Sullum Reason 10月 4, 2006
The Constitution, Writ or Wrong Adam J. White The Weekly Standard 10月 5, 2006
Habeas corpus sellout Nat Hentoff The Washington Times 10月 9, 2006
A Dangerous New Order The New York Times editorial board The New York Times 10月 19, 2006
Congress to Courts: 'Get Out of the War on Terror' John Yoo The Wall Street Journal 10月 19, 2006
Eroding detainees rights Nat Hentoff The Washington Times 10月 30, 2006
'We the people' Nat Hentoff The Washington Times 11月 20, 2006
American Liberty at the Precipice The New York Times editorial board The New York Times 2月 22, 2007
We are Americans Nat Hentoff The Washington Times 3月 19, 2007
Send jihadists to federal court Nat Hentoff The Washington Times 4月 2, 2007
Guantánamo Follies The New York Times editorial board The New York Times 4月 6, 2007
Move Along, Lady Liberty, This Doesn't Concern You Rachel Haimowitz The Huffington Post 4月 17, 2007
Uphold historic values USA Today editorial board USA Today 5月 11, 2007
Leave well enough alone David B. Rivkin Jr. Lee A. Casey USA Today 5月 11, 2007