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ObamaCare: It's unsustainable; better to scrap it and start anew

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Author(s) Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial board
Source Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Date September 25, 2013
URL http://triblive.com/opinion/editorials/4762694-74/obamacare-health-spending#axzz2g6GzcXnc
That's $7,450 more in health spending per family of four through 2022, according to Duke University health-policy expert Chris Conover, writing for The Apothecary, a Forbes blog. And that figure's contrast with candidate Barack Obama's 2008 promise that he'd lower such families' premiums “by up to $2,500” — during his first term! — is both grim and stark.

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This item argues for the position Act should not have been passed on the topic Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.