ObamaCare Goes to Court

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Author(s) The Wall Street Journal editorial board
Source The Wall Street Journal
Date November 15, 2011
URL http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204323904577038252658343724.html
The law is already speeding the ruin of U.S. health care, increasing costs and reducing competition. It is easily the most unpopular major reform in decades and the most unpopular entitlement expansion ever. More broadly, it is impossible to duck the matter of whether this law's powers would stop at health care, as its backers insist, or whether it will be merely the first wave of other such mandated enforcements, if the federal government is given the power to compel individuals to participate in commerce, rather than merely regulate it.

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This item argues for the position Act should not have been passed on the topic Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.