Override Keystone pipeline veto

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This is an opinion item.

Author(s) USA Today editorial board
Source USA Today
Date February 24, 2015
URL http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2015/02/24/keystone-xl-pipeline-veto-obama-tar-sands-oil-editorials-debates/23952435/
The pipeline is neither as magnificent as its promoters claim nor as apocalyptic as detractors say. It's just a pipeline, like thousands of miles of other pipelines that crisscross the USA. If built, it would provide a reliable source of oil from Canada, and a way to transport other crude from shale formations in North Dakota, at a time when there are still 250 million vehicles on U.S. roads and alternative energy shows little sign of supplanting oil.

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This item argues for the position Pipeline should be built on the topic Keystone XL pipeline.