Parents v. Seattle / Supreme Court was correct in its ruling

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Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling

This position addresses the topic Parents v. Seattle.

For this position

"As for the Brown precedent, that ruling said it is unconstitutional to deny students opportunities based on government-enforced racial segregation. The segregation here was concocted by the education bureaucrats themselves."
From Race and the Roberts Court, by The Wall Street Journal editorial board (The Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2007) (view)
"Many failing big city schools today are operated by black superintendents and mostly black school boards. And today the argument that school reform should provide equal opportunity for children, or prepare them to live in a pluralistic society, is spent. The winning argument is that better schools are needed for all children — black, white, brown and every other hue — in order to foster a competitive workforce in a global economy."
From Don’t Mourn Brown v. Board of Education, by Juan Williams (The New York Times, June 29, 2007) (view)
"A fairer reading of the decision [...] would place the latest ruling squarely in the line of the 1978 Bakke decision and the 2003 Gratz vs. Bollinger decision. Both cases limited the use of race in college admissions policies but did not ban it outright. As such, both rulings fell within the philosophy of The Denver Post, which has long believed race can be considered as one factor aimed at producing a diverse and productive learning environment but not be the only factor."
From Race one factor in admissions, by The Denver Post editorial board (The Denver Post, June 29, 2007) (view)
"The school boards that implemented the policies tried to dress up their skin color assignment of students with talk of "diversity," but the reality of what they were doing was not lost on the justices. They were turning children away at the schoolhouse because of the color of their skin."
From Ruling sends clear message, by Sharon Browne (USA Today, June 29, 2007) (view)
"Over the last 40 years, liberal civil-rights groups have gone from advocating colorblind policies to rejecting them. They may try to describe the new ruling, perversely, as a partial repeal of Brown v. Board of Education. Justice Stephen Breyer says as much in his dissent. Yet the decision resembles Brown in a crucial respect: Starting now in Louisville and Seattle, students won’t be blocked from certain schools simply because they lack the proper melanin content."
From Diversity without Decrees, by National Review editorial board (National Review, June 28, 2007) (view)
"In contrast, in Seattle race was the only individual student characteristic considered; more specifically, the district’s binary notion of race — students were either white or “other.” The district’s peculiar concept of race suggested that it was more interested in having a few brown faces — regardless of race or ethnicity — sprinkled in each classroom than in achieving Grutter-style diversity."
From Seattle Grace, by Peter Kirsanow (National Review, June 28, 2007) (view)
"Breyer said that last week's decision abandons "the promise of Brown." Actually, that promise -- a colorblind society -- has been traduced by the "diversity" exception to the equal protection clause. That exception allows white majorities to feel noble while treating blacks and certain other minorities as seasoning -- a sort of human oregano -- to be sprinkled across a student body to make the majority's educational experience more flavorful."
From The Court Returns To Brown, by George F. Will (The Washington Post, July 5, 2007) (view)
"The School Board diverted attention from the major issue of improving the quality of all schools by playing the race card. It spent millions of tax dollars on legal fees because of the violation of our civil rights — dollars that could have been spent on improving the education of all. It spent endless hours of meetings figuring out how to force students to go to high schools against their will rather than on how to improve the teaching and curriculum for all."
From Race has no place in Seattle schools, by John R. Miller (The Seattle Times, July 24, 2007) (view)
"The law says you can't discriminate; it doesn't say you can discriminate if five men in robes agree that you are doing so for a worthy purpose. When judges elevate their own policy preferences above the law, they undermine the foundation of America as a nation of laws, not men."
From The Vanity of Judicial Activism, by James Taranto (Best of the Web Today, July 2, 2007) (view)
"In other efforts to assure racial equality, we have managed to avoid inflexible racial quotas. The ban on discrimination in housing doesn't mean every neighborhood has to be racially diverse. The law against discrimination in public accommodations doesn't mean restaurants have to turn patrons away because they would tilt the balance too far one way."
From Integration defeats quotas, by Steve Chapman (Chicago Tribune, July 1, 2007) (view)

Against this position

"The Supreme Court has often ordered schools to use race-conscious remedies, and it has unanimously held that deciding to make assignments based on race “to prepare students to live in a pluralistic society” is “within the broad discretionary powers of school authorities.” Chief Justice Roberts, who assured the Senate at his confirmation hearings that he respected precedent, and Brown in particular, eagerly set these precedents aside."
From Resegregation Now, by The New York Times editorial board (The New York Times, June 29, 2007) (view)
"I start from the premise that racial integration in the schools is a good thing. I think the educational process benefits from diversity, and all students are better served in an integrated classroom. I also believe that in a nation where minorities will someday form the majority, integration is an important civic lesson our schools ought to be teaching."
From Standing in the Schoolhouse Door, by Eugene Robinson (The Washington Post, June 29, 2007) (view)
"The court has recognized diversity as a compelling interest in the context of higher education, as recently as in its 2003 ruling upholding an affirmative action program at the University of Michigan Law School. If anything, the argument for diversity is even more compelling for younger children, whose attitudes about race are being formed and future educational opportunities determined."
From A Blow to Brown, by The Washington Post editorial board (The Washington Post, June 29, 2007) (view)
"The U.S. Supreme Court's twisted logic in limiting a school district's ability to take race into account as a way to end racial segregation echoes the court's Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling of 1896. That ruling put the imprimatur on "separate but equal" policies that allowed racial discrimination and oppression to flourish for more than half-a-century more."
From A setback to equality, by San Francisco Chronicle editorial board (San Francisco Chronicle, June 29, 2007) (view)
"In his persuasive dissenting opinion signed by three other members of the court, Justice Stephen G. Breyer noted that the recent trend has been away from integrated schools, so that in 2002, almost 2.4 million students attended schools with a white population of less than 1%. Does the Constitution really prohibit school districts from taking modest steps to combat such racial isolation, whatever its causes?"
From Fracturing a landmark, by Los Angeles Times editorial board (Los Angeles Times, June 29, 2007) (view)
"This ruling removed a successful tool for combating the racial segregation that is a ubiquitous feature of the nation's public schools. Its immediate effect will be to require local educators to refine their voluntary school desegregation plans. It should not prevent school districts from undertaking new plans designed to ameliorate racial segregation."
From Brown's legacy lives, but barely, by Charles J. Ogletree Jr. (The Boston Globe, June 29, 2007) (view)
""The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the 5-4 majority. Roberts' words make for snappy rhetoric. But reality, 53 years after the historic Brown vs. Board of Education decision began to dismantle segregated school systems, is that children in many predominately minority schools continue to receive inferior educations."
From Setback for equal education, by USA Today editorial board (USA Today, June 29, 2007) (view)
"My three kids go to D.C. public school. I love just reading through the school directory--Soledad, Quinn, Ravi, Sam, Shakeela, Neal, Lalita--the names are a reflection of the diversity of Janney Elementary, which I believe enhances the education of all the students. It will be tragic if that ends."
From Call It What It Is: Overturning Brown v. Board of Education, by Jesselyn Radack (Daily Kos, June 29, 2007) (view)
"When real estate agents and brokers illegally steer blacks away from apartments and homes in particular neighborhoods, they end up creating racially segregated school districts. And when crummy, segregated public schools produce poorly educated, under-prepared black job applicants, employers refuse to hire or promote them, creating more of the income inequality that makes it harder for blacks to move out of segregated communities."
From Supreme Court got it wrong, by Errol Louis (New York Daily News, July 5, 2007) (view)

Mixed on this position

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