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Deleted page: File:ScreenShot056.png Accept deletion Ask User:Yaron Koren about deletion
  • February 18, 2010 Yaron Koren deleted this page with rationale: Deleting test
Deleted page: File:Wiki Syntax - Wikidot - Free and Pro Wiki Hosting.pdf Accept deletion Ask User:Yaron Koren about deletion
  • January 7, 2011 Yaron Koren deleted this page with rationale: Deleting test
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  • March 26, 2023 Yaron Koren removed all revision approvals

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  1. Watch: David Brooks
  2. Watch: George F. Will
  3. Watch: It's Our War
  4. Watch: Alternative Reality at the Summit
  5. Watch: Free Children From These 'Prisons'
  6. Watch: No Shame, No Sense and a $296 Billion Bill
  7. Watch: This is not our war
  8. Watch: Attack Iran, Ignore the Constitution
  9. Watch: The Weekly Standard
  10. Watch: List of authors
  1. Watch: Charter schools need objective study
  2. Watch: It's not only about Israel, Ms. Rice
  3. Watch: Katyusha World
  4. Watch: Time to Talk
  5. Watch: New York State cap on charter schools / Should be lifted
  6. Watch: New York State cap on charter schools
  7. Watch: Iranian nuclear crisis
  8. Watch: Iranian nuclear crisis / United States should attack Iran
  9. Watch: 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict
  10. Watch: 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict / United States should take Israel's side

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    5. User:Test user - 16 pages watched
    6. User:Patrick - 14 pages watched
    7. User:WillyM - 9 pages watched
    8. User:Bryan Hilderbrand - 9 pages watched
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