TSA outcry is really a call for profiling

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Author(s) Eugene Robinson
Source The Washington Post
Date November 23, 2010
URL http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/22/AR2010112204387.html
"If we only search people who "look like terrorists," al-Qaeda will send people who don't fit the profile. It's no accident that most of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers were from Saudi Arabia; at the time, it was easier for Saudi nationals to get U.S. visas than it was for citizens of other Arab countries. If terrorists are clever enough to hide powerful explosives in ink cartridges, then eventually they'll find a suicide bomber who looks just like you, me or Granny."

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This item argues for the position New procedures are justified on the topic TSA airport screening procedures controversy.

This item argues against the position Profiling should be used instead on the topic TSA airport screening procedures controversy.