The Boston Globe editorial board
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This is the editorial board of The Boston Globe.
Political affiliation: Liberal
Items by this editorial board:
- A big deal on immigration (Topic: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: for)
- A food bill, not a farm bill (Topic: 2007 U.S. Farm Bill, Position: Bill should be passed, Stance: against)
- A reason to pass the farm bill (Topic: 2007 U.S. Farm Bill, Position: Bill should be passed, Stance: for)
- A surge without power in Iraq (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: United States should increase troop levels, Stance: against)
- Alberto Gonzales should go (Topic: 2006 Dismissal of U.S. Attorneys controversy, Position: Alberto Gonzales should resign, Stance: for)
- An erosion of abortion rights (Topic: Gonzales v. Carhart, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: against)
- Back democracy, not Mubarak; US must help spur change (Topic: 2011 Egyptian protests, Position: Hosni Mubarak should step down, Stance: for)
- Bankruptcy can give Puerto Rico the help it needs (Topic: Puerto Rican government-debt crisis, Position: Puerto Rico should be allowed to declare bankruptcy, Stance: for)
- Barack Obama deserves another term (Topic: United States presidential election, 2012, Position: Obama should be elected, Stance: for)
- Barack Obama deserves another term (Topic: United States presidential election, 2012, Position: Romney should be elected, Stance: against)
- Congress must act to give Puerto Rico relief (Topic: Puerto Rican government-debt crisis, Position: Puerto Rico should be allowed to declare bankruptcy, Stance: for)
- Congress must act to give Puerto Rico relief (Topic: Puerto Rican government-debt crisis, Position: Puerto Rico should be managed by a financial control board, Stance: for)
- For now, US must resist call for no-fly zone over Libya (Topic: 2011 Libyan uprising, Position: United States should impose a no-fly zone, Stance: against)
- Getting to yes with North Korea (Topic: North Korean nuclear crisis, Position: United States should negotiate with North Korea, Stance: for)
- GOP can streamline health law, improve malpractice system (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: against)
- Hillary Clinton for president (Boston Globe) (Topic: United States presidential election, 2016, Position: Donald Trump should be elected, Stance: against)
- Hillary Clinton for president (Boston Globe) (Topic: United States presidential election, 2016, Position: Gary Johnson should be elected, Stance: mixed)
- Hillary Clinton for president (Boston Globe) (Topic: United States presidential election, 2016, Position: Hillary Clinton should be elected, Stance: for)
- Hold Iran nuclear negotiators to their word (Topic: Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Position: Plan is beneficial, Stance: mixed)
- Lesser evils and an exit strategy (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Iraq Study Group's recommendations should be followed, Stance: for)
- No blank check for Bush (Topic: Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: for)
- Obama’s sage decision to back Manhattan mosque (Topic: Park51 controversy, Position: Mosque should be allowed to be built, Stance: for)
- Presidential ingratitude (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Iraq Study Group's recommendations should be followed, Stance: mixed)
- Sign the stem cell bill (Topic: Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: for)
- Supreme Court ruling ignores real world of campaign cash (Topic: McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, Position: Supreme Court voted correctly, Stance: against)
- The Boston Globe editorial board endorses Kamala Harris (Topic: 2024 United States presidential election, Position: Harris should be elected, Stance: for)
- The Boston Globe editorial board endorses Kamala Harris (Topic: 2024 United States presidential election, Position: Trump should be elected, Stance: against)
- The Gaza calamities (Topic: Gaza War, Position: Israel was right to attack Gaza, Stance: against)
- The generals' worry (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: United States should change its approach, Stance: for)
- The North Korean test (Topic: North Korean nuclear crisis, Position: Economic sanctions should be placed on North Korea, Stance: against)
- The North Korean test (Topic: North Korean nuclear crisis, Position: United States should negotiate with North Korea, Stance: for)
- This poll tax isn't welcome (Topic: Federal Election Integrity Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- Tie Keystone approval to bigger environmental goals (Topic: Keystone XL pipeline, Position: Pipeline should be built, Stance: mixed)
- Trump’s dangerous blunder in Syria endangers US ally (Topic: Syrian civil war, Position: United States is right to withdraw its troops, Stance: against)