We set Syria ablaze... Now we're hurling in explosives

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Author(s) Peter Hitchens
Source Daily Mail
Date June 1, 2013
URL http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2334411/PETER-HITCHENS-We-set-Syria-ablaze--Now-hurling-explosives.html
These are the very same Islamists against whom – if they are on British soil – Government Ministers posture and froth, demanding that they are deported, silenced, put under surveillance and the rest. But when we meet the same people in Syria, we want to give them advanced weapons. One of these ‘activists’, a gentleman called Abu Sakkar, recently publicly sank his teeth into the bleeding heart of a freshly slain government soldier.

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This item argues against the position United States should intervene on the topic Syrian civil war.