We the Egyptian People

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Author(s) Roger Cohen
Source The New York Times
Date February 5, 2011
URL http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/05/opinion/05iht-edcohen05.html
As our thugs go, Mubarak’s been solid. But such views have endured through a persistent blindness: The unwillingness to see that the Middle East has evolved; that American hypocrisy is transparent to everyone; that Islamic parties can run thriving economies and democracies like Turkey’s; that popular rage over cronies’ green gardens feeds the jihadist cause; and that the most effective support of Israel is not one that leaves Israel locked in a defensive crouch but one that encourages it to reach out to the modernizing forces in the Middle East, not least in the West Bank.

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This item argues for the position Hosni Mubarak should step down on the topic 2011 Egyptian protests.