The Philadelphia Inquirer editorial board
This is the editorial board of The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Political affiliation: Liberal
Items by this editorial board:
- A big step against climate change (Topic: American Clean Energy and Security Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: for)
- A slender lifeline (Topic: Economic crisis of 2008, Position: United States should bail out the automobile industry, Stance: for)
- Build the mosque (Topic: Park51 controversy, Position: Mosque should be allowed to be built, Stance: for)
- Careful with Gadhafi (Topic: 2011 Libyan uprising, Position: United States should impose a no-fly zone, Stance: against)
- Clinton easily the best candidate for president (Topic: United States presidential election, 2016, Position: Donald Trump should be elected, Stance: against)
- Clinton easily the best candidate for president (Topic: United States presidential election, 2016, Position: Hillary Clinton should be elected, Stance: for)
- Fight for the 'public option' (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: for)
- Food for thought (Topic: 2007 U.S. Farm Bill, Position: Bill should be passed, Stance: against)
- Getting Out of Iraq (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Iraq Study Group's recommendations should be followed, Stance: for)
- Health law has life (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: against)
- Jobs, now (Topic: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: mixed)
- Modernize U.S. crop subsidy system (Topic: 2007 U.S. Farm Bill, Position: Bill should be passed, Stance: against)
- Money talks (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: for)
- Obama will do a better job (Topic: United States presidential election, 2012, Position: Obama should be elected, Stance: for)
- Obama will do a better job (Topic: United States presidential election, 2012, Position: Romney should be elected, Stance: against)
- Out of Iraq in '08 (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: for)
- Pennsylvania needs Joe Biden (Topic: 2020 United States presidential election, Position: Biden should be elected, Stance: for)
- Pennsylvania needs Joe Biden (Topic: 2020 United States presidential election, Position: Trump should be elected, Stance: against)
- States must lead (Topic: Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: for)
- Supreme Court blots a stain (Topic: Boumediene v. Bush, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: for)
- The Abortion Ruling (Topic: Gonzales v. Carhart, Position: Supreme Court was correct in its ruling, Stance: against)
- The bailout bailout (Topic: Economic crisis of 2008, Position: United States should bail out the automobile industry, Stance: for)
- The Big 3-2-1 (Topic: Economic crisis of 2008, Position: United States should bail out the automobile industry, Stance: mixed)
- The lesser evil (Topic: Economic crisis of 2008, Position: United States should bail out the banking industry, Stance: for)
- They're not going away (Topic: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: for)
- Voting rights are still vulnerable (Topic: Shelby County v. Holder, Position: Supreme Court should strike down section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, Stance: against)